Summer in Seattle is precious. It’s bright, and magnificent, and perfect in every way except longevity. Good habits and prudence are things for our grey, drizzly days. All Seattleites give way to hedonism with sunshine and warm weather. And this has been the best Seattle summer in at least a decade. It started slow, but dry and clear weather has lingered beyond any reasonable expectation. It’s really hard to sit in front of a computer and type when the outside beckons.
Because of the extended dry weather, we’ve been able to enjoy a lot of outdoor activities on the weekend: Soccer games, bike riding, you get the picture. This past Sunday, we had a particularly nice trip to the zoo. No crowds! Hungry birds! Loud siamangs! (First time in two years I’ve heard them…)
Someday the rain will return. Someday my kids will no longer want to spend sunny Sundays at the zoo. But until then, I’ll be outside more and writing less…
Alex and Patrick feed a cockatiel at Willawong Station in the Woodland Park Zoo.
Patrick and Alex have the petting area all to themselves. This goat obviously enjoyed the attention.